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(Enter subject and author name in short and click search) is a web directory which guides you to find out websites related with all medical needs, like journals,lectures, e books,videos,images,references,forums,medical advice...etc.
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The wealth of radiology resources and its straightforward layout makes this website a perfect resource for medical students and professionals entering the fields of Radiologic Technology and Radiology. .
The BioDigital Human is a platform that simplifies the understanding of anatomy, disease and treatments. Interactive tools for exploring, dissecting, and sharing custom views, combined with detailed medical descriptions provide an unprecedented new visual format to learn about your body. Visual, interactive, and 3D - the BioDigital Human finally allows patients, students and medical professionals to understand health care using a format that resembles life itself 
Videos of obtaining a history and performing physical examinations from University of Wisconsin. These videos are used for the Patient, Doctor and Society (PDS) course at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
PDS is a four-semester course, focusing on biological, psychological and social aspects of patient centered care. The course teaches communication skills, physical examination, evidence-based medicine, professionalism and health care in society.
Read more... you will find:
- a tutorial on the physical exam with emphasis on auscultation
- a brief review of selected cardiac and pulmonary physiology/pathophysiology topics
- a virtual stethoscope interface for auscultating normal and abnormal cardiac and respiratory sounds
- powerful and interactive quizes to help with mastery of the stethoscope (on-line only